Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 39 - Desert Center

Security on guard at the Hyatt. Not sure what they're really guarding.

Fractured Hotel Space. It only occurs in certain hotels in certain space/times.

Timeless camera at work from our Palm Springs hotel balcony.

This was a weird day out on the roads. First, we spot these giant Tesla coils on the move, obviously part of whatever the Black Helicopters are protecting. We suspect it has something to do with the nuclear-tipped cactus. Or maybe the mind-control antenna.

This exact spot on Interstate 10 always has an off-the-road-rollover-accident on it. This is today's. We have no idea why this exact spot makes people crash, but it might have something to do with the Tesla coils and the Black Helicopters.

Yup. A Giant Blue Cube. We're pretty convinced it's the Government's experimental Levitating Cube, painted blue so we won't notice it hovering in the sky.

One of two classrooms in Desert Center's abandoned school.

There always is a class clown.

It's actually way more dangerous than it looks - it's full of broken glass.

One of two derelict pianos.

And the other piano.

A surviving blackboard, and mysterious cushions.

Dunno what that banquette way in the back was for.

The kitchen.

Abandoned house at Desert Centre.

It's like the household items are trying to escape from inside the house.

Not sure how the house disappeared but the artifacts of someone's life remain. It may have to do with those Tesla coils we spotted earlier.

A second gas station that served Desert Centre - this must have been one thriving place at some point.

Local artists have been at work.

It's just Starbucks, which curiously seems to be the only coffee shop in high-rent Palm Desert.

Waiting for Russ.





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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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